This links to my work collaborating Sara Stevick on the TPLD pilot feedback process and leading a development team as well as supporting several other development teams during the TPLD Learning Pathway development project. The goal of this project is to develop 9-10 courses that outline the full instructional design process and help teachers (and other professionals) who want to pivot into instructional design in their upskilling process.
Responsibilities: Project Management, Instructional Design, eLearning Development, Editing, LMS Admin in Eduflow, Data Collection, Coaching Project Leads, Mentoring Content Developers, Data Analysis (Pilot Data) to Guide Iteration
Tools Used: Google Workspace/Suite tools, Zoom, Storyline, Genially, Canva, Adobe Photoshop, Loom, Camtasia, SnagIt, Storyline, and H5P
Date Completed: In progress (page last updated October 2022)
TPLD Project: Learning Pathway for Aspiring IDs (In Progress)
The Project: While I jumped in to make some of the eLearning development samples visible on this page, my primary role was in design, data analysis, and project management, leading a team to complete a course and then reviewing 9 courses to give feedback for internal review as well as co-run a pilot with Sara Stevick and Stephanie Diggins gather learner feedback. I also subbed in when other project leads (volunteers) dropped from teams to support ongoing design and development.
About the Project
My Skills: This project demonstrates my strong leadership, coaching, review, and project management skills. While the pilot is still ongoing, I believe the pilot will also indicate my skills in using data to drive iteration. We are currently in the implementation/pilot and data analysis phase before entering another iteration of design and development. We are aiming for a full launch in the next few months.
Team Design Process
My Role
Team Lead: I came onto the project as the Team Lead for Team E, creating the course on the development and feedback cycle part of an instructional design process. Ricky Fisher (previous lead) and Cara North (SME) had already supported my developers to identify course objectives. I led the team through the storyboarding process, including identifying tools to use, formative assessment activities (discussions, practice activities, scenarios, etc) and alignment with the core team design of the summative assessment piece.
Pilot: I am currently working with the Fall 2022 pilot, reviewing each course for areas of improvement, broken sections, unclear language, and to improve formative assessment and practice opportunities throughout.
The Team Collaboration
My initial team consisted of 5 long-term instructional designers/content developers seeking to learn and upskill through the process. As such, I coached them in their design and development skills as well as managed the project. I also worked with 4 short-term team members to develop specific pieces for the course and I filled some gaps by developing resources and modules myself for “Course E” (our course in the program). The sample I added above was one piece I developed for our course to illustrate some of the text information designers had written in a more interactive format, as I had access to and knowledge of Storyline but not all of our teammates did.
In the pilot for all of the courses, I am working with 8 other team leads and 30+ piloters to compile and present feedback to other team leads with/for Sara Stevick and help them iterate their courses for full program development. I have also been involved in LMS administration related to the Eduflow platform housing our program.
Development Challenges
This has been full of potential design challenges. The rotating door of volunteers has made the project complicated with it’s large scope and length of almost 9 months so far! I was able to grow as a project manager and mentor by working with aspiring designers to help them complete instructional design and content development samples successfully that would be meaningful to our course. I am also growing in my consensus building skills as I work with the other team leads and Sara!
More updates coming on this page as we finish the pilot and launch the program.
Citations and references to SME support on this course are cited in the program, but I did not use any specific sites, resources, or links for the information beyond industry conversations with my colleagues and peers, as well as my own experiences in L&D. Photographs for this project were sourced from my subscription to Canva, and video was created by me. All tools used were properly licensed and used following their TOS.