eLearning Heroes #402: Using Background Textures

This was a fairly simple challenge! I had some of the art already because it’s for a volunteer project I’m working on for a nonprofit arts group (for their event volunteers), but the challenge is also a straightforward one. I enjoyed this one and the idea of thinking about new textures to spice up your eLearning. In this case, I just did a simple Cover Slide and showed the comparison from simple to super-textured, as requested:

eLearning Heroes Challenge #402

Alt Text: The Cover says, “Addressing Street Harassments at Events.” The button says, “Add More Texture.” A woman is on the right with an expression of distrust and frustration. Behind her, the background is textured with brown and white brick.

Alt Text: The Cover says, “Addressing Street Harassments at Events.” The button says, “Add More Texture.” A woman is on the right with an expression of distrust and frustration. Behind her, the background is textured with brown and white brick.

Check out the example:

Review Link

Loom Video Work Out Loud

Takeaways: I would use all of these covers but for different things. The 2nd one is the one I’m actually using for the project (some texture, not maximum) but I’d use the plain one or a more intense one like the last one, just depending. I enjoy thinking about how to layer objects to create effective backgrounds and scenes as seen in the last screen of the Review. This was a fun, simple challenge!

Time Clocked: A little over an hour this time, about 2 hours counting the video and collecting assets not seen here but present in the microlearning designed for the theatre.


Recapping TLDC: Learning Culture in L&D (Sara Stevick)


So much to learn, so little time! How do I prioritize?